Just Us Girls
In honor of Mother’s Day…
Previously I wrote a Halloween post about a possible visit from a ghost. This year it’s…
I write a lot about sexuality, but the recent fires in California have brought something else back to my mind…
Last weekend I participated in the Women’s March in Los Angeles. It was organized to be a sister march to one scheduled in Washington, DC. Its goal was…
Ever take off your clothes and stand naked in a room full of strangers? I just did, and it was wonderful.
In my post, To Pube or Not to Pube, I posed a question: Are you bathing your sexy parts the way your mother taught you, or the proper way?
When I got up this morning, there was a pot of hot coffee ready. That’s all. End of story. Oh, except for the part about how I live alone. And I did not make that coffee.
A female student walked into my Human Sexuality class with the following pronouncement: “I just saw some ‘70’s porn this weekend – OMG, the bushes on those women!”
Just for fun: Here’s a Contributor’s Note I wrote in a memoir workshop recently. The assignment was to play with a creative version of what might appear in the back if we were ever to publish a book.
“Besides writing, favorite activities include reading an amazing book that I immediately want to start over; shaking my a** with my friends or my man in a funky R&B club; laughing till I can’t stop; kissing till I don’t want to stop; morning coffee; happy hour martinis; evening bubble baths; falling asleep by a campfire to the sounds of owls and coyotes; and appreciating nature’s bounty. Among other things.” READ MORE