First spoiler: he didn’t actually rape me. Although a ‘virgin,’ I gave myself to him willingly, as I describe in my book Our Song: a Memoir of Love and Race. Second spoiler: what he did could be considered worse. I met Curtis (a pseudonym) at a teen nightclub after high school ended, and he later pursued me at a summer …

When I got up this morning, there was a pot of hot coffee ready.  That’s all.  End of story. Oh, except for the part about how I live alone.  And I did not make that coffee. Oh, and guess what: It’s Halloween!  O-o-o-o-o-h!  And I just happen to live in The Last House on the Left.  O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-h!   Coincidence?  I think not. …

No, not sex! I’ve spoiled you, my faithful readers. 😊

A lot has happened since I moved into my crone cabin in the woods. I experienced the one highest-ever 117-degree day of summer heat in Sacramento (along with many other slightly—but only slightly—cooler days; so thank goodness for my trees). I watched the ducks, ducklings, koi, turtles and even a heron swimming, diving and flapping about the property – check …