Coyote Valentine
Do coyotes celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Hey, everybody’s writing reflections, so why not me?
Including one with ME!
It was April 24, 1971.
I was watching footage of Chris Rock on this past weekend’s Saturday Night Live when I got the calls. Of the five people invited to my place for Sunday lunch, one had hurt her back (ironically while doing her back exercises), and my sister had “mild but COVID-like” symptoms. Since I had been around my sister within the week, it […]
Pre-COVID-19, I recently made one of the biggest decisions of my life…
In bed. In my head. But I will put it down on paper, just as soon as I get up the energy to get up.
He didn’t like the way I did our first Christmas.
Twenty-seven years ago, I wrote a story called “Jungle of the Heart.” It sat in a folder for about the next seventeen.
Father’s Day is over, and I didn’t get this posted. But I realized it’s a metaphor for…
“Besides writing, favorite activities include reading an amazing book that I immediately want to start over; shaking my a** with my friends or my man in a funky R&B club; laughing till I can’t stop; kissing till I don’t want to stop; morning coffee; happy hour martinis; evening bubble baths; falling asleep by a campfire to the sounds of owls and coyotes; and appreciating nature’s bounty. Among other things.” READ MORE