(Re)introducing Me: Wild Child, Wise Woman, Storyteller
A lot has happened since I moved into my crone cabin in the woods. I experienced the one highest-ever 117-degree day of summer heat in Sacramento (along with many other slightly—but only slightly—cooler days; so thank goodness for my trees). I watched the ducks, ducklings, koi, turtles and even a heron swimming, diving and flapping about the property – check out the videos below (these were also in my recent test post).
With a little help from friends, I spent three days glamping:
And, as COVID relaxed its stranglehold a bit, I even went out to live music a bunch of times, including this gig where I was serenaded by a handsome troubadour from the band Hipper Than Hip – woo hoo!
All the while, I was getting ready for a big day: the publication of my debut memoir, Our Song: a Memoir of Love and Race, by She Writes Press in October. If you want to buy the book now, go to the About the Books page. There’s also a link to buy the book Art in the Time of Unbearable Crisis, an anthology in which I have an essay. That book, also by She Writes Press, documents the incredible times we’ve been living in, and proceeds benefit the World Central Kitchen, now working diligently in the Ukraine.
Along with my book pub have come some fun opportunities—guest on a podcast (not released yet), two more podcasts to come, and guest blogger on a few online sites. I wasn’t sure I’d like doing podcasts; turns out that talking about the themes in my story is something that I do enjoy. I wasn’t surprised to find out that I can have fun writing essay pieces on those issues, too. Here are some links if you’re interested:
Book Q&A with Deborah Kalb – questions about my book and writing process
How Can We Write Memoir from the Heart Yet Still Respect Others’ Privacy? – essay on Book Room Reviews.com
Same essay as above only in Romance Daily News – ooh la la!
Meanwhile, I needed to plan a book launch event in my city. I looked at some cafes, but they seemed a bit impersonal (not to mention pricey). Then lucky me—a member in my writing group offered to host it in her lovely home. A few friends (two local, and two coming from out of state) helped to organize and make enticing appetizers. The guests came, and the wine flowed. I read from my book, and forgive me if I do have to say the audience seemed riveted! They asked great questions, and then all of them got in line to buy signed copies. What a wonderful night!
And suddenly, winter is here. Well, California’s version of winter. We’ve had some rain (more, please!) and things have turned quite chilly. It’s definitely time for sweaters and socks as we face the time change and then hurtle through—gasp!—The Holidays. Definitely not my favorite time of year. I’m the sunbathing, salsa-in-the-plaza kind of girl, not the let’s-fight-the-crowds-at-the-mall-and-then-hang-fake-icicles-on-the-Christmas-tree kind.
By the way, if you’ve visited my website before, you might notice that it’s had a re-vamp, courtesy of my web guru Sarah Emery Bunn of blissmission.com. Take a look around, and feel free to leave feedback. My biggest summer excitement, having a Tiny Love Story published in the New York Times, is featured on the Awards and Publications page. I needed to come up with a tag line that describes me and what I write about. I came up with “Wild Child, Wise Woman, Storyteller.” If you’re familiar with my work, you might agree that it pretty well sums me up. If you’re new here, you’ll find out!
Please take care of yourself during these next few very busy weeks. Like, find some quiet time for reading!
I’m sure publishing your own book felt surreal, If I had the chance to publish my own book I would not know how to act. I am more of a winter type of person, the idea of being able to drink hot chocolate while walking around, hearing leaves crunch beneath my every step. The loudness the holidays bring, the idea of family coming over to celebrate and just being able to spend time with them.
Honestly, seeing that book was one of the high moments of my life!
I’m glad you are living a fulfilling and peaceful life. I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of writing a book. Memoir and historical fiction are some of my favorite genres, so I might look into writing something like that in the future. For now, I can enjoy the works of great authors like yourself!
Oh, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy my book. You will get a few surprises.
You wrote, ‘Write from the heart.’ But what if the contents of your heart come up against societal constraints that prevent you from expressing them fully or honestly? This caught my attention in the context of your book. It made me think deeply…’
Excellent question. When one writes memoir as I do, this happens. Along with wanting to tell things that may affect other people. Any writer has to decide what is appropriate for them. It takes a certain amount of courage, both in revealing oneself, as well as considering the feelings of others. There’s no one right answer.
Hello Lynda, your glamping experience looked extremely beautiful and relaxing as well. I sure hope I can experience something outdoorsy and relaxing like that soon! I hope your experience of releasing your self-published book was an amazing one.
I definitely hope you will get yourself outdoorsy as soon as you can! Just one clarification: I did not self-publish my book. I went with what’s called a hybrid publisher. This one publishes only women; it’s called She Writes Press.
The whole process of publishing a book sounds so enticing. Getting to talk about your own story in a podcast seems like a worthwhile opportunity. I always love hearing authors talk about their own work. It gives such an interesting insight to their writing, especially compared to what other outside readers may say about the writing. Comparing what was intended to be seen to what is actually picked up by an audience is super exciting stuff!
I agree with you! It’s been really fun for me when I’ve gotten to talk about my book.