Princess Butt!

OMG, the excitement continues to grow exponentially!  Now, courtesy of the same paparazzi-snapped photos that brought us the princess baring her boobs to sun and husband, we might actually be able to see her ASS!!! Where’s the butt picture??? I get a kick out of using clip art to illustrate my blog posts, but this is what happened when I […]

Bad Boys, Nice Guys and Female Gym Teachers

My enjoyment of writing began early, as I described in a previous post Pretty Girls, Phallic Symbols, and the Mysterious Human Brain.  Starting with childish tributes to my mother’s beauty (almost as soon as I could write), I soon became more sophisticated.   By age 11, I was regaling my friends with a novella written in daily installments.  As we walked […]

100 Coyotes, Three Cathedrals, and One Serial Killer

Previously, I described how a wealthy third grade friend sparked a love of nature within me.  She led me through woods, across swamp, and to the bank of a river that were all part of her family’s property, and I found them every bit as voluptuous as the mansion that fronted their land. Then I had the great fortune to spend […]